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  Our Fine Premium Personalized Cigar

Fine premium personalized cigars at a price that will surprise you.

We have been in the personalized cigar business since 1997. After countless sales and countless thousands of cigars sold, one thing has remained consistent...

Every personalized cigar we offer is 
handmade from aged, Cuban-seed, long-filler tobacco.

Don't settle for less - make sure you personalized cigar is a long-filler cigar, not a mixed, short, medium of combination - (all descriptions of inferior cigars) - insist on long-filler. 

We offer three different personalized premium cigars for less than any competitors comparable cigar. Our premium personalized cigar is the best value in the industry by a long margin.

Our Current Line Of Fine Premium Private Label Cigars
Premium Sumatra
Churchill 7x50
Premium Connecticut
Churchill 7x50 & Torpedo 6.25x52
Premium Dark Maduro
Churchill 7x50 & Torpedo 6.25x52

The very best in personalized cigars

Our standard premium personalized cigars are packaged in a gold finished box with clear top.
A die cut label that matches your cigar band is affixed to the clear top.  
Each order includes a FREE premium gold-finish cutter.

Each cigar is individually wrapped in cellophane and packaged 25 to a box


testimonials - customers talk about our private label cigars recap. Our premium personalized cigar offers you a high quality smoke at a very affordable price.

What makes us unique is that we offer you our  premium handmade, aged, Cuban-seed long-filler imported personalized cigars at a price that allows you to enjoy superior quality and save money at the same time. 

We enjoy providing you with the best value in private label cigars. 

It is what we are here for.

We are not the biggest...just the best.

To Order, Call 877-726-5886
Or send a quick email to us at
and we will call you

Check out our Private Reserve Gift Set


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